Thursday, April 19, 2012

Artfest Day Three: Orly Avineri- Arboreal Messages

This was a workshop taught by Orly.  We each brought our own board book already gessoed or peeled away the illustrations. Orly began the class by talking about her childhood in Israel and how a tree made an impact in her life. We were all supposed to think about how trees affected us somehow.

We also brought a black and white photo of ourselves. Here I glued that down on one side.
Next we cut out a tree shape with a foamy sheet she gave us. We placed this over our photo and applied modeling paste around the stencil we made.
For this spread we used found papers we brought in. These were supposed to be  interesting papers we  picked up from the ground. We added masking tapes and applied paint. Lastly we sprayed inks ontop and blew with a straw to appear as roots of a tree.
Heres another spread I did in my book.

student examples
This is Orly's example of a tree shape with her pic

At the end we talked about everyones tree story and shared our pages.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Second Day at Artfest: Gina Armfield Watercolor birds of Prey

 These were two paintings I did in our Birds of a Feather Class. Look closely at the tips of the feathers to the right where we wrote a poem with tiny words using a magnifying glass.  I really enjoyed Gina's class. She was a Great Teacher and constantly helped us with our paintings. I loved the concept of layering the lighter and then darker colors. We used wet in wet for some of the mottled areas.
Gina gave us a lesson about types of paints, brushes and papers. The first step was to draw the shapes with our micron .001 pen.

This was the second step to add the lightest colors. We used a magnifying glass to see the blues and pinks in the beige colors.

These three birds were done by other students in the class. During our critique, Gina noted that everyone has their own style.

This was one of Gina's paintings.

At the end of the day we walked around the room and discussed each students paintings from the day. Note the cool light she recommended we get. Its a battery operated ott light with natural lighting. I could of used it. Also we needed a magnifying glass to see all the underlying colors in the image.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back From Artfest!! Misty Mawn

These are three collages I  worked on in class. I need to finish the face here.

 Day one on Thursday My class was with Misty Mawn. She is a fantastic collage artist. We learned how to do backgrounds and some subject techniques. Misty demonstrated all these collages.

we used stablio marker to add design
 Misty put together collage piece and painted on a portrait overtop the image. Face Before,
This was a silhouette image collage.

These two pieces were done by other students in the class.
Assembling a vase of flowers.

Starting the Girl with a pearl earring collage.

She does a great job with faces. I wish I took the portrait class.
This "halo" was done with a stencil doily.

Here the collage face is painted with different colors.